I'm recording my progress while working on my children's book: Sometimes I Blow Fire Like a Dragon. My goal is to launch my book in October. I'm choosing to self-publish through CreateSpace.com. If this blog bores you out of your mind, don't worry. I'm mainly doing it for myself- as yet another way to keep focused on the project.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Publisher logo done

So since I'm self-publishing and I'm technically the publisher, I need a logo.

I decided on Seesaw Publishing as my imprint name, keeping with the kids theme. I also decided to use elements from my old website logo to create this new one. The first logo can be seen here on my current website:


Here is my publisher logo:

I'm still working on coloring my spreads- I've got about 4 done. In the next week or so I'll be buying my ISBN and registering my imprint.

Slowly, but surely the book is coming together!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Digital coloring update!

Hey guys,
I just wanted to post some of the progress I have made since I started the color and texture phase of my book. I have 1 full spread, and 1 single page completed.
Comments are always welcome. Thanks for looking!